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Conquer Your Stage Fright

Conquer Your Stage Fright

Stage fright is easily the most common roadblock that keeps singers from putting their art out into the world. Even when sharing a pre-recorded video, those familiar anxieties might flare up and make a singer second guess themself! But, the fact of the matter is that...

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Supplemental Learning for Singers

Supplemental Learning for Singers

Thanks to the recurring request from our AMAZING students (you over-acheivers, you!), please find the following suggested reading list, a compilation of our favorite voice science and/or pedagogy books to help bolster your confidence as a voice-owner and user. These...

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Vocal Gymnastics: Singing Multiple Styles

Vocal Gymnastics: Singing Multiple Styles

While a ballet dancer often trains in modern or hip-hop technique as well, Cross-training is a relatively new phenomena in the study of Singing. Perhaps brought about by the inclusion of more types of music on the Broadway stages starting around the 1980s,...

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Mastery Through Mindfulness

Mastery Through Mindfulness

You might think that singing is closer to an athletic feat than it is to meditative practice, but think again! Although it's true that the physical muscle coordination necessary to sing at a high level requires a solid workout, you may be surprised to learn that...

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Performance Preparation

Performance Preparation

Experienced singers wake up on the day of the performance with a plan. They've done their homework, know their bodies' responses to stress and nerves, and have taken steps to ensure their success. With the groundwork laid, there's no question that the show will go off...

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Voice Types

Voice Types

Have you ever wondered about your vocal range? Maybe you've seen charts like this one or this one, and wondered where your own voice lines up. And, once you know what your range is, how do you decide what songs will fit your voice? Let's unpack some basic ideas...

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Singing: First Steps

Singing: First Steps

Becoming a singer can feel like a big goal. And, it is! But like any challenge, breaking it down into smaller steps will help you along your way. Follow this roadmap to make your action plan for success: 1. Create your vision of your Goal: Who? What? How? Visualize...

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The Talent Myth

The Talent Myth

tal·ent /ˈtalənt/ noun 1. natural aptitude or skill. "he possesses more talent than any other singer" Well, folks, I'm sure a lot of you have talent-- and that's great! But, all that means is that you got your foot in the door. Now, it's up to you to make something of...

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Plan to Succeed

Plan to Succeed

If you've ever tackled a big project before, you know that a step-by-step plan can really save the day. From home repair to balancing your budget, focusing only on the end result could leave you feeling like you don't know where to start. Grab your big ideas head-on...

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Maximize Lesson Quality

Maximize Lesson Quality

Just like many other things in life, Online Learning gives back what you put into it. As a singing student, you know that dedicated practice time outside of your lessons matters for the progress you make; similarly, spending a little time to ensure your best possible...

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About Cardon Voice

Cardon Voice offers online voice lessons for students around the world, ages 7 to 99. Cardon Voice is part of the beloved Cardon Studios family, a trusted and widely recommended music school with more than a decade of experience serving students in Washington, DC

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