Performance Preparation

Performance Preparation

Experienced singers wake up on the day of the performance with a plan. They’ve done their homework, know their bodies’ responses to stress and nerves, and have taken steps to ensure their success. With the groundwork laid, there’s no question that...
Voice Types

Voice Types

Have you ever wondered about your vocal range? Maybe you’ve seen charts like this one or this one, and wondered where your own voice lines up. And, once you know what your range is, how do you decide what songs will fit your voice? Let’s unpack some basic...
The Talent Myth

The Talent Myth

tal·ent /ˈtalənt/ noun 1. natural aptitude or skill. “he possesses more talent than any other singer” Well, folks, I’m sure a lot of you have talent– and that’s great! But, all that means is that you got your foot in the door. Now,...
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