It’s a common misconception that singing with good, healthy technique might not be possible for all styles of music, particularly hard rock or heavy metal (though even Musical Theatre Belting can be dangerous if not approached properly). Fortunately, we now know...
We all know that practicing between lessons is where the real magic happens. Solo Practice is an essential component to making changes to your habits and gaining more individual ownership of your creative choices. However, some singers — especially apartment...
It’s difficult to overstate how important breathing is to the process of singing (or speaking!). But, if we break the action of singing down to its simplest components, it is a function of just two pillars: controlled intake and release of breath, coupled with...
If you’re struggling with the difficulty of singing something you’ve always wanted to master, we’ve got good news! Singing well is not about trying harder. Instead, singing well is 100% about working smarter and finding ease and freedom. After seeing...