For singers of all ages, styles of music, and levels of singing, cultivating a healthy practice mindset is key to success. Those singers who can stay focused on their goals and systematically structure their progress are those who will ultimately achieve the voice...
We all know that practicing between lessons is where the real magic happens. Solo Practice is an essential component to making changes to your habits and gaining more individual ownership of your creative choices. However, some singers — especially apartment...
“Practice makes Perfect.” “You are what you repeatedly do.” While there is some truth within both of these popular adages, we would argue that Practice makes Permanent, and how WELL you repeatedly do something is the more interesting factor....
As singers, we are both musicians and actors. We have a responsibility both to the music itself, and also to the lyrics and emotional truth of the story each song sets out to tell. While singers are generally expressive people naturally, putting your feelings on...
Most people hate hearing their voice on tape. Even a voicemail playing back to them sounds “weird” and uncomfortable. But for singers, this is an important distaste to overcome. If you can’t listen to yourself as other people hear you, how can you...
You might think that singing is closer to an athletic feat than it is to meditative practice, but think again! Although it’s true that the physical muscle coordination necessary to sing at a high level requires a solid workout, you may be surprised to learn that...