Singing is a great joy to carry through your entire life. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind at all stages of life– from early childhood singing straight through the aging voice– in order to maintain vocal health, comfort, and...
If you’re struggling with the difficulty of singing something you’ve always wanted to master, we’ve got good news! Singing well is not about trying harder. Instead, singing well is 100% about working smarter and finding ease and freedom. After seeing...
Stage fright is easily the most common roadblock that keeps singers from putting their art out into the world. Even when sharing a pre-recorded video, those familiar anxieties might flare up and make a singer second guess themself! But, the fact of the matter is that...
Thanks to the recurring request from our AMAZING students (you over-acheivers, you!), please find the following suggested reading list, a compilation of our favorite voice science and/or pedagogy books to help bolster your confidence as a voice-owner and user. These...