Picking an Audition Song

Picking an Audition Song

Congratulations! You’ve signed up for the big audition and are ready to show them what you’ve got! …Now, what to sing? Obviously, you’ll want to put your best foot forward vocally, but you’ll also want to showcase your sensitivity to...
Singing Through Your Cycle

Singing Through Your Cycle

This post will focus on the hormonal changes of women and estrogen-dominant individuals. However, any major fluctuation in your hormones (including those from certain medical syndromes, as well as while taking hormones for birth control or gender modifications) can...
Finding your Mix: AMAB

Finding your Mix: AMAB

Note: This post will use the term ‘male’ to indicate persons assigned male at birth, regardless of current gender identity. This is because a testosterone-dominant puberty strongly influences the development of your voice, even if hormone replacement...
Experience Matters

Experience Matters

Everything you’ve ever done in life, you were once bad at. The fact of the matter is that the task doesn’t change– you just get better at it! Think back to something you were once afraid to do: from running a mile to taking that reach interview. Whatever it was, the...
Common Vocal Problems

Common Vocal Problems

Whether you’re coming to Singing Lessons for fun and self-expression or to fix something about your voice that bothers you, the process will be similar. With the support and encouragement of your knowledgeable teacher, you will gain the ability to self-assess...
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