Gig Guide

Gig Guide

Getting your first gig may seem like a  difficult task, but if you look closely enough in your area, it can be a lot simpler than you may think. Perhaps just asking the owner of a restaurant that you regularly frequent, or emailing a couple of businesses in the area...
Conquer Your Stage Fright

Conquer Your Stage Fright

Stage fright is easily the most common roadblock that keeps singers from putting their art out into the world. Even when sharing a pre-recorded video, those familiar anxieties might flare up and make a singer second guess themself! But, the fact of the matter is that...
Performance Preparation

Performance Preparation

Experienced singers wake up on the day of the performance with a plan. They’ve done their homework, know their bodies’ responses to stress and nerves, and have taken steps to ensure their success. With the groundwork laid, there’s no question that...
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